Mojo Coco

I had always been interested in candle making so I started to experiment with different colours and designs. After a lot of testing and watching tutorial videos online I finally managed to create some interesting designs. I played with colours, scents and decorative techniques and decided that I liked the idea of food themed candles. The copious amounts of beautifully smelling fragrance oils that were available was astounding and it was mostly these that were my inspiration for the designs.
From mouth watering strawberries and cream to mint choc chip ice cream and chocolate orange, they just all smelt so nice! So I got to work on their designs. I wanted to create wax shapes that were relevant for the designs so I started to create the decorative pieces for the tops. After I had figured out how to make those the designs started to come together.
I now do regular festivals and markets, selling the products locally. I find these events extremely enjoyable and also inspiring as I get to meet my customers face to face.